Hackintosh - The DIY Macintosh

The Hackintosh Manifesto


This comes from the dark side, from devil's playground, from the no go areas where faceless machines called "Personal Computers" dutively perform their dull little tasks. While most disciples still sit in front of their shiny iMacs and MacBooks, bathing in the warmth of superior design and ergonomics, spoonfed by their icons, submissively swallowing what has been rammed down their throats, there is something insubordinate going on beneath their feet, behind the next door,  in the adjacent office.


Back in the days before Apple dropped "Computer" from the company name Macs represented the apex of PCs in the truest sense of the word. Those machines set standards for reliability, efficiency, and hardware-software integration. Since then the decision makers at Infinity Loop, Cupertino, CA have maneuvered the ship into fertile waters where cell phones, tablets, and other nifty gadgets flourish. Apple has become a cruise liner, and there seems to be no space on board that vessel for a dusty workshop that could hold simple self-serviceable and configurable Macintoshs.


Building a Hackintosh used to be a feasibility study, a survey into the shallows of hardware compatibility, and a time consuming task. But these days are over. Hackintoshers have been subject to broadsides from Apple followers, supposing closefistedness and ludic drive to fuel the Hackintosh movement. Actually the principal motive for building your own computer is the scalability of hardware to comply with your personal requirements. Even if Apple listened to their customers, they still could not offer tailored rigs for everyone.


Today the fastest Mac in the world is a Hackintosh, the most expandable Mac is a Hackintosh, and of course the best Mac in terms of cost/performance ratio is a Hackintosh. Building a custom Mac nowadays is a piece of cake, because adepts from all over the world have contributed to what has become a grass root movement of people making personal computers for their personal needs, overcoming the constrictions that were established to maximise market power and share holder value, starting to think differently again. Let us toast them:


"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently."


Skid, 2012

Meine kleine Hackintosh Parade

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